Plant protection products

The VALMAPAK manufacturing company has well proven itself for agricultural products.

Plant protection products (preparations containing no solvents: xylene, toluene and benzene), such as Aktelik, Karate, Skor, Maxim, Muracid, Lepidocid, Uragan Forte, Phytoverm, Tsvetalon, Biohumus, Emistim, Complex Humous Fertilizer, Fertilizers for Potted Flowers and others, have been already and successfully poured into our package long now.

Buyers highly appreciated the possibility of disposable plastic package, as no need to measure the dose of the drug, hands remain clean, and the packaging is easy to store. You do not need to buy more drugs than it is necessary for you.

VALMAPAK, LLC is always ready to apply for you its huge experience in the manufacture of package and pouring liquid and gelatinous preparations for different fields of activities.

All decisions

Our advantages
  • Convenience and ease
    of use
  • Wide range
    of applications
  • Originality and variety of designer solutions
  • Convenience for transportation
  • Dosage control option
  • Quality-to-price ratio
  • Hygienic use
  • The ability to use at the right time (at home, in the country, on a trip, etc.)
  • This type of package is suitable for processing after use
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